Geelong Community Survey

A group of Geelong and Bellarine residents has created a short survey to hear your feedback about the progress of the City of Greater Geelong across a range of issues, especially in relation to Council’s Clever and Creative Vision. The aim of the survey is to gather and present the community’s priorities and concerns to all candidates nominating for the upcoming Council elections in October.

Results of the survey will be shared with everyone who completes the survey and then, in October, a scorecard of all election candidates assessed against the community’s priorities as identified by the survey will be sent to you as well. 

Please have your say. This is a great way for your views to be shared with current Councillors and election candidates to show them what the community wants them to focus on. And it will be an important means to help assess which candidates will act on the community’s top priorities.

Just click this link to complete the survey:

For further information about this survey go to

Permaculture Design Workshop

A guest speaker will explain the amazing design system that is Permaculture with the ethics and principles that are at it’s core.

This will be followed by a fun taste of permaculture in the form of a 10 minute each spot in the “speed-date a permaculture designer” event with a room full of friendly permaculture trained teachers/designers from the region with varying amounts of experience and various specialties.

Continue reading Permaculture Design Workshop

Event: Sustainable Transport Options

We’re exploring loads of options for getting around! Meet people who’ve made shifts and are enjoying themselves and local suppliers. We’re looking at: walking, running, public transport, skateboards, scooters, bikes, electric bikes, cargo bikes, electric cars, car share, car pooling, redefining work, holidays and adventure.

Continue reading Event: Sustainable Transport Options

Event: How and Why to Transition to a Plant Rich Diet

Wed 20th October, 11am – 12:30
Vines Rd Community Centre, Hamlyn Heights

Eating a Plant Rich whole food diet is the 4th most important action according to the book Drawdown; The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming”. It is also the best strategy to prevent and reverse the major western diseases and have vibrant health.
Think eating a plant-based diet means salads every day? Discover the richness of sweet and savory foods from various cultures at a big tasting table made by Eileen Sims and the team at Feast Geelong.
Secondly, Eileen will do a cooking demonstration to help you on your journey. There will also be a talks from a medical panel featuring a plant based doctor, dietitian and nutritionist who can answer questions too.


Event page on Facebook:

EVENT: TSG Launch at the Great Local Picnic

A day of sharing stories of successes and failures on our path in action from people in the many Transition Streets Groups in Geelong…sharing stories.  It will be a day of inspiration and connection.


Saturday 27th October 12.15pm – 1.30pm
John Croft Reserve (Next to Grovedale Neighbourhood House)


The Great Local Picnic & Transition Streets Launch
Bring along homegrown or homemade picnic food to share with other community members over a leisurely picnic in the park.


WHAT TO BRING A reusable plate/ container of vegetarian home grown or homemade picnic food to share. Your own picnic rug, reusable plate, cutlery and water bottle.  Please do not bring any disposable items, glad wrap, plastic bags or other rubbish as this is waste-free event.


You can find out more about the “Grow It-Eat It” series of events here:

Grow It – Eat It


Free Event No Booking Required